Try Not To Laugh While Reading These Hilarious Notes Left On Windshields

Published on 03/23/2022

Parking Guideline

This is also a favorite of ours. Isn’t providing someone a guideline the greatest approach to teach them to perform better? This, on the other hand, was not only a suggestion. It was straightforward and infuriating all at once. I’m not sure about you, but if I were you, I’d make sure to remember this.

Parking Guideline

Parking Guideline


Fudge You

This message is brimming with rage and hatred. Take a peek at it. Who writes a windshield message with so much “f**k” on it? But who are we to pass judgment? This individual was enraged and having a difficult time. This was undoubtedly not the first time this motorist has parked his vehicle in this manner.

Fudge You

Fudge You