Becoming a Mother
After high school, Nadya set out on a life of course to raise a family, now an adult. Like her peers, she also wished to attend college. Her biggest dream, however, was to be a mother. Everyone also found her a little too green for her own good when she achieved the sort of success she’d desired. All mustn’t let themselves be tempted by wishes.

Becoming a Mother
Nadya’s First Love
Nadya Suleman met product manager Marcos Gutierrez not long before she turned 21. He must have had a lot of charisma because she felt an immediate bond with him, one that developed unique and special over time. Nadya was completely open with Gutierrez about her desire to be a mother. There were no problems at first because Gutierrez just wanted children and was deeply in love with Nadya and vice versa, but destiny had other ideas.

Nadya’s First Love