Chest Discomfort
A lot of factors might cause chest discomfort. It can be caused by acid reflux after eating fatty foods, for example. On the other hand, persistent chest discomfort could be an indication of a heart attack. If you feel chest pain, the American Heart Association recommends consulting a doctor or going to the emergency department. It’s easy to ignore the warning signals of a heart attack, and assistance may arrive too late.

Chest Discomfort
Erectile dysfunction
This circumstance can be exceedingly distressing for males. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a heart condition. According to Harvard Medical School, an erection necessitates an additional blood supply. When arteries become calcified, blood flow is disrupted. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction should seek medical help as soon as possible. It’s possible that an expert will be referred to them. If treated early enough, additional diseases can be ruled out.

Erectile dysfunction