Coughing With Sputum
A symptom is coughing up phlegm on a regular basis. The color of someone’s sputum might disclose a lot about their health. A bacterial infection could be indicated by a dark yellow/green sputum. Pinkish-white sputum can indicate fluid build-up in the lungs, which is a typical symptom of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. It’s usually simply an ordinary cold. If you’re unsure, however, seek medical advice. Tests will be performed to determine why you’re coughing.

Coughing With Sputum
Interrupted Sleep
To avoid having to use the restroom in the middle of the night, avoid drinking too much before going to bed. If the problem persists, you should consult a physician. An increased desire to urinate, according to Mayo Clinic, is one of the signs of heart failure. It’s a lot better to get oneself checked and find out that everything is alright than to ignore the problem and deal with it later.

Interrupted Sleep