Indigo Is Missing
This family either has a missing member, or they don’t know what the rainbow colors are. ROYGBIV is an acronym for the colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo and violet, if you didn’t know. As you can see, there is no indigo. We hope they forgot the seven colors of the rainbow. Forgetting that your family has another member is simply unforgivable.

Indigo Is Missing
Love Of Basketball
He clearly enjoys basketball, to the point where he doesn’t mind that his own wife’s face isn’t in the shot. We’re curious as to whether his wife was aware that her face would be obscured in the picture. When she first saw it, how did she react? After all, it’s her belly, and she’s a family member. When catalog models model clothing for a brand, their faces are also displayed.

Love Of Basketball