Welcome To The Family
We don’t know whether this couple are trying to show their newest family member or a newly spayed/neutered cat, but Mittens isn’t too happy to be one. There is always one person in each family portrait that looks like they would rather be somewhere else than in the picture. We all know who the person in this photo is. Mittens is a busy cat, to be sure. He’s got places to go and cats to see…

Welcome To The Family
Impractical Mrs. Claus
In winter, the average temperature is around -40°F at the North Pole. We’re pretty sure that you have more to wear than a “sexy” leather outfit. We also very doubt that Mrs. Claus is so impractical. After all, their family is known for its efficiency and for their Christmas Eve presents to children. And what about the garter lace? If they weren’t just married prior to taking this family photo, there’s no room here. As far as we know it is not the new “in” thing to wear a lace garter.

Impractical Mrs. Claus