Spinach, broccoli and tomatoes are among the foods that many children are not very fond of. These are good suppliers of important minerals. In addition to French fries, the favorite dishes of the youngest include usually fast food such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and sweets. Of course, it is clear that these foods should only be a small part of the menu for the offspring. But how can you feed a child healthy and varied and which foods are good for our offspring? A varied diet is very important so that the child, which is still growing, can be adequately supplied with valuable vitamins and nutrients. Even if a visit to the fast-food restaurant is a nice event for the family, you should pay more attention to a healthy diet with fresh food so that the child can grow into a healthy and fit adult.

Avocado Oil
Whole Grain Cereal
All children like rolls, rice and pasta. So that not only carbohydrates, but also healthy nutrients are absorbed, parents should resort to the whole grain variant. Rich in vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, whole grain products are a real all-rounder and one of the most important foods in a child’s diet. As wholemeal bread or dark pasta, wholemeal should be on the junior’s menu every day.
Even if many children only like fish in the form of sticks, the valuable water dweller should ideally be on the menu twice a week. Fatty types of fish such as herring, salmon or mackerel provide high-quality omega three fatty acids, which are responsible for the formation of new brain cells. In addition, fish is full of significant vitamins and iodine, which ensures an optimal metabolism. So try to get your offspring interested in fish, because it provides many nutrients for a healthy lifestyle.
Dairy Products
Dairy products are one of the most important foods for children because they provide high-quality calcium that not only supports and strengthens bone structure. Dairy products also provide valuable calcium for healthy teeth. Dairy products, in the form of drinks, yoghurt, but also in cheese, should therefore be on the child’s menu every day.
Little ones between the ages of two and ten years should consume around 300 to 400 milliliters of milk every day. With a glass of milk in the morning and a delicious cheese sandwich, this daily requirement can already be met.
Avocados contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are significant for brain development and increase the ability to concentrate in the late afternoon. On the vitamin side, the avocado scores with a high content of vitamin B6, which puts you in a good mood, strengthens your nerves and protects you from states of exhaustion.
Figs are high in B vitamins (important for nerves) and magnesium (for calm and balance). Although the sugar content is not without it, the blood sugar and insulin levels remain at a constantly stable level due to the dietary fibers it also contains. This keeps them full for a long time.
Fruit And Vegetables
Everyone knows them, the 5 rules. Everyone should be able to eat two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables a day. The little ones, in particular, need these portions so that they are sufficiently supplied with nutrients and vitamins while playing and romping around. A portion is considered to be what fits in the palm of your hand. So, in a child, the amount of these foods is less than in an adult. Anything that tastes good is allowed, as parents it is best to pay attention to regional products that do not require any pesticides.