We can’t dispute that the majority of us despise bad drivers on the road. The worst occupations, though, are still mind-numbingly bad parking jobs. The worst drivers are those who have poor parking abilities. But, instead of keying a person’s automobile for vengeance, leave a well-decorated letter with an angry message or some advice for the car’s owner, trust us. It’ll irritate them the most. There is no finer form of retaliation than that. With this, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most amusing windshields notes we’ve come across on the internet. Some of the letters made us laugh out loud, while others made us feel uneasy. Continue reading below if you want to see what we’re talking about.
Caps Lock Makes Everything More Intense
Receiving a letter written in capital letters demonstrates how enraged they are with you. But things were different in this case. The first thing you’ll notice about the letter below is that it’s written entirely in capital letters. This simply serves to demonstrate how enraged this person is over the automobile parked across the footpath. Not only that, but the guy who left the message also mentioned how it was a great opportunity for him to slide across the car’s hood.

Caps Lock Makes Everything Intense
Love, Your Neighbor
A nice neighbor wrote a letter to this driver. When you read the note, you’ll notice that it starts off on a positive note. With that salutation, it was even written in a very official manner. However, you’ll still get the impression that the note was sarcastic.

Love, Your Neighbor