A Bit Too Jumpy
It’s happened to most of us: we get overly excited and do something we later regret in a fit of enthusiasm. It happened to Roxana Vancea, a Romanian meteorologist when she chose to wear a bodysuit that was one size too small. Everything was fine until she began jumping up and down in delight as she talked about the beautiful weather forecast for the weekend. Vancea’s top slipped slightly at that point, allowing viewers to see more than they were supposed to! Thankfully, Vancea’s employers, the news program Antena 1 TV, recognized the problem. She now has nearly half a million Instagram followers and a modeling career.

A Bit Too Jumpy
Almost See Through
Before going live on TV, it’s practically difficult to double-check that everything is in order. Just ask KRON 4 meteorologist Jacqueline Bennett in San Francisco. Bennett believed the lovely blouse she had chosen would look fantastic on television in her dressing room on October 17, 2010. Unfortunately, she had not taken into account the chilly studio and the extremely strong camera lights. Together, they nearly made her shirt see-through! She currently works for Spectrum News 1 and continues to report on the weather for Americans throughout the country.

Almost See Through