2. ii) Kamov Ka-50Sh
The Ka-50SH differs from its predecessor in appearance, which perekomponovana under the co-location of laser-television day and night sighting channels thermal-flight – navigational complex “Rubicon-N.” The daily feed from the fuselage’s bow shifted into the newly constructed fairing, which is slightly expanded forward. The helicopter’s movable ball has a diameter of 640 mm, making it suitable for night strikes.
2. iii) Kamov Ka-52 Alligator
The Ka-52 Alligator is an all-weather assault helicopter used by the Russian Air Force. The Ka-52 is a twin-seat variant of the Kamov Design Bureau’s Ka-50 attack helicopter (part of Russian Helicopters). It is a substantially improved version with a two-seat side-by-side cockpit for the Russian Air Force.
Up next we have the highest ranking attack helicopter still in active use today…