Anger Management
If you ask us, this photo paints a complete picture. To be honest, you could make an entire story out of it. The muddy chair, submerged in the murky water… It’s completely covered in moss… When you think about it, it’s quite haunting. Again, our thoughts stray to various scenarios that could have resulted in this chair being thrown into the canal in the first place. Could it have been a tense situation? Is it possible that it was a tragic accident? There are a plethora of options.

Anger Management
Lengthy Ordeal
Workers must spend hours making sure everything goes according to plan as the water is slowly drained into the River Seine. From relocating fish that had gotten into the canal to completely renovate the canal’s four double locks. Of course, any worn-out small parts must be replaced as well. The entire procedure would take about three months to complete from start to finish.

Lengthy Ordeal