Irregular Heartbeat
Palpitations can be brought on by a number of things. It could be a surge of adrenaline or a mood shift. If you realize that your heartbeat is erratic on a regular basis, you should get medical help right soon. Arrhythmia is the medical name for your heart beating in an irregular pattern. This is a major problem because an untreated arrhythmia can lead to a stroke. You should visit a doctor as soon as possible if you are having this symptom.

Irregular Heartbeat
Persistent Cough
Although a persistent cough might be bothersome, many individuals overlook it. Did you know that coughing for a long time can be an indication of heart disease? When the heart struggles to get blood to the body, the lungs can be impacted, resulting in a persistent cough. If you have a cough, the color of your sputum is important to note. Pink and white sputum is a symptom that you should consult a doctor. If your cough gets worse when you lie down at night, it could be an indication of heart trouble.

Persistent Cough