The Mullet Family
This one, unfortunately, isn’t orchestrated. Those mullets? All too real… Somebody is going to need some counseling when he grows up! There is a lot going on here. The hair, the outfits, the poses. They may have reasoned that it was either go big or go home. And they went big. We’re not sure what prompted them to take this path. Something must have compelled them to act in this manner. They should seriously reconsider their choices if they came up with this on their own.

The Mullet Family
Nature Lover
We all know people love nature, but why is that? We can’t think of any goat-related reasons. Certainly not the father! What’s the deal with the goat’s white shawl and flower crown? Do they have any significance? Alternatively, some people thought the goat would look better in photos if it wore some accessories. We’re confused.

Nature Lover