No Real Retirement Age
Amish people begin to reduce their daily activities between the ages of 50 and 70. This is also influenced by their physical state. They typically relocate to the home of a designated grandparent on their family’s property. When seniors are in good health, they tend to remain at home, while their daughters care for them as their health deteriorates.

No Real Retirement Age
Amish people are baptized into their church between the ages of 16 and 25. Prior to that, the individual is prohibited from marrying. They are only permitted to marry within their own church. Not to mention how quickly it typically occurs. This is unique in comparison to other branches of Christianity in that parents determine whether or not to baptize their children. On the other hand, Amish people have the freedom to choose whether or not to be baptized. Children are not baptized because they are not of legal age to make such a decision.
